Resource Center

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Payroll: Common Mistakes and Best Practices

A smooth payroll process is like oxygen: no one notices it when it’s present; but its absence makes it impossible to think about anything else. 

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The Benefits—and Pitfalls—of Office Jargon

Love it or hate it—every workplace has its own jargon. If you’re a newbie, unfamiliarity with those terms can leave you feeling confused (and maybe a bit like an outsider, too). If you’re an old timer who knows the vocabulary list backward and forward, being able to wield those terms yourself can make you feel like a member of an exclusive club.

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How Generative AI Can Support HR and Recruitment

Stories about new AI technology have dominated the headlines for years. Recently, many of them have focused on generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing Chat, and Google’s Bard. 

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Is AI the Answer for a More Equitable Workplace?

Developing rapidly and gaining steam, AI is finding its way into more and more business applications each day. In particular, it has seemingly unlimited potential to streamline how HR professionals do their jobs, with the biggest and most immediate impact being felt on the recruitment side of HR.

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Compensation Trends in 2023

Because monetary compensation plays a critical role in attracting and retaining top talent, business leaders must stay abreast of the latest compensation trends in order to remain competitive and ensure employee satisfaction.

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