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Creating Great Incentive Plans in Uncertain Times

High inflation, global warming, and international conflicts continue to disrupt supply chains in the wake of a multiyear pandemic. Although the personal and business hardships of COVID-19 now lie mostly in the past, discussions of possible recession still dominate the media, and many US executives are receiving significantly reduced bonus payout and performance awards (if they get any at all). 

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How to Build a Compensation Strategy

Organizations seeking new ways to attract and retain employees while staying financially stable in a volatile economy need look no further than their compensation strategies. A well-constructed compensation strategy can be a deciding factor for why employees choose a company and how it reaches its growth goals.

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How to Evaluate Job Candidates for Long-term Employee Retention

With workers continuing to leave jobs in high numbers, it has never been more important for organizations to understand how to hire for employee retention. Being able to identify the best fits for a company’s roles, teams, and culture and understanding candidates on a deeper level can make the difference between success and failure.

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Today's Top 4 HR Trends

Many HR professionals are excited about the emerging trends that will enable HR to work hand in hand with departments across their organizations to bring about sorely needed boosts in workforce culture and engagement for improved retention.

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Top Recruitment Marketing Trends for 2023

Recruitment marketing was a big topic of conversation in recruitment circles in 2022. But just how important will it be going forward? And can it solve the challenges that recruitment teams are likely to face in 2023? Here are some of the changes and trends to expect in the coming year.

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